Codebasics Resume Project Challenge

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Codebasics Resume Project Challenge #3

1st Prize

Hareesh Vuppalapati

2nd Prize

Manjunath Pai

2nd Prize

Jay Charole

3rd Prize

Manan Intodia
  1. You can use any tool(s) to create and show the output. (Power BI, Excel, Tableau, etc.)
  2. Feel free to search online or talk to subject matter experts to prepare this.
  3. Your submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
    1. Relevance of the solution to the problem statement.
    2. Dashboarding (Usage of these 15 design principles)
    3. Any other relevant Insights provided apart from what’s being provided in the mock-up.
    4. Your summary of 3 things you have learned on domain/function and data analytics while working on this project.
  4. How to submit your final output?
    1. Post it on LinkedIn with a clear screen recording or a public web URL to your dashboard, along with the 3 things you have learned. ( Example Post )
      Don't forget to use the hashtag #codebasicsresumeprojectchallenge
    2. Please submit your solution on the website by simply adding the LinkedIn/GitHub or any other public URL of your final work.

Domain:  Consumer Goods | Function: Executive Management

Atliq Hardwares (imaginary company) is one of the leading computer hardware producers in India and well expanded in other countries too.

However, the management noticed that they do not get enough insights to make quick and smart data-informed decisions. They want to expand their data analytics team by adding several junior data analysts. Tony Sharma, their data analytics director wanted to hire someone who is good at both tech and soft skills. Hence, he decided to conduct a SQL challenge which will help him understand both the skills.


Imagine yourself as the applicant for this role and perform the following task

1.    Check ‘ad-hoc-requests.pdf’ - there are 10 ad hoc requests for which the business needs insights.
2.    You need to run a SQL query to answer these requests. 
3.    The target audience of this dashboard is top-level management - hence you need to create a presentation to show the insights.
4.    Be creative with your presentation, audio/video presentation will have more weightage.

Other resources Provided:

a.    Dataset required to provide 
b.    Metadata
c.    Hints (try not to use the hints to develop your skills quicker)
d.    Sample questions and Presentation


Domain:  Hospitality       Function: Revenue

AtliQ Grands owns multiple five-star hotels across India. They have been in the hospitality industry for the past 20 years. Due to strategic moves from other competitors and ineffective decision-making in management, AtliQ Grands are losing its market share and revenue in the luxury/business hotels category. As a strategic move, the managing director of AtliQ Grands wanted to incorporate “Business and Data Intelligence” to regain their market share and revenue. However, they do not have an in-house data analytics team to provide them with these insights.

Their revenue management team had decided to hire a 3rd party service provider to provide them with insights from their historical data.


You are a data analyst who has been provided with sample data and a mock-up dashboard to work on the following task. You can download all relevant documents from the download section.

  1. Create the metrics according to the metric list.
  2. Create a dashboard according to the mock-up provided by stakeholders.
  3. Create relevant insights that are not provided in the metric list/mock-up dashboard.

Problem Statement
AtliQ Mart is a growing FMCG manufacturer headquartered in Gujarat, India. It is currently operational in three cities Surat, Ahmedabad and Vadodara. They want to expand to other metros/Tier 1 cities in the next 2 years.

AtliQ Mart is currently facing a problem where a few key customers did not extend their annual contracts due to service issues. It is speculated that some of the essential products were either not delivered on time or not delivered in full over a continued period, which could have resulted in bad customer service. Management wants to fix this issue before expanding to other cities and requested their supply chain analytics team to track the ’On time’ and ‘In Full’ delivery service level for all the customers daily basis so that they can respond swiftly to these issues.

The Supply Chain team decided to use a standard approach to measure the service level in which they will measure ‘On-time delivery (OT) %’, ‘In-full delivery (IF) %’, and OnTime in full (OTIF) %’ of the customer orders daily basis against the target service level set for each customer.

Peter Pandey is the data analyst in the supply chain team who joined AtliQ Mart recently. He has been briefed about the the task in the stakeholder business review meeting. Now imagine yourself as Peter Pandey and play the role of the new data analyst who is excited to build this dashboard and perform the following task:

  1. Create the metrics according to the metrics list.
  2. Create a dashboard according to the requirements provided by stakeholders in the business review meeting. You will be provided with the transcript of this business review meeting in comic form.
  3. Create relevant insights not provided in the metric list/stakeholder meeting.

Other resources Provided:

  1. Relevant Business Knowledge & explanations
  2. Metadata
  3. Peter Pandey’s notes taken during the stakeholder meeting

Domain:  Telecom    Function: Executive Management

AtliQo is one of the leading telecom providers in India and launched its 5G plans in May 2022 along with other telecom providers.

However, the management noticed a decline in their active users and revenue growth post 5G launch in May 2022. AtliQo’s business director requested their analytics team to provide a comparison report of KPIs between pre and post-periods of the 5G launch. The management is keen to compare the performance between these periods and get insights that would enable them to make informed decisions to recover their active user rate and other key metrics. They also wonder if they can optimize their internet plans to get more active users.  Peter Pandey, a junior data analyst, is assigned to this task.


Imagine yourself as Peter Pandey and perform the following task:

  1. Create the comparison report based on the mock-up provided. Please note the mock-up is created by a business user who has minimal idea about dashboarding. Hence, you need to represent the insights in a much better way.
  2. The target audience of this dashboard is top-level management - hence the dashboard should be self-explanatory and easy to understand.
  3. Create relevant insights not provided in the metric list/mock-up dashboard to support the cause.

Other resources Provided:

  1. Metrics List (this contains most of the metrics you need for the dashboard and you might need to create more metrics based on the additional visuals you add to the dashboard)
  2. Metadata

A real-time data analytics project to add to your resume.

An opportunity to learn data analytics using business use cases and datasets.

The top 3 submissions will get an attractive prize.

Every qualified submission gets an appreciation certificate.

30% scholarship on our premium courses for all qualified submissions.

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